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Press Release – Commercial Cleaning Robots Could Save 11,000 Tons of Greenhouse Gases in England & Wales

A recent experiment conducted by The Perfect Little Company (TPLC) concluded that by using commercial robotic vacuums in offices, over 11 thousand tons of greenhouse gases could be saved each year. 

Using a certified power metre reader, TPLC pitted 1 famous commercial mid-sized tub vacuum up against 1 Hive (10 robots) and monitored the electricity needed to operate both.

The tub vacuum working for 2 hours had an electricity consumption cost of 1.44kWh. To fully charge 1 Hive containing 10 robots took a mere 0.54kWh of electric and they were good to go to cover the same amount of space of about 7000 sq ft.  

In London alone (which has over 200 million square ft of office space) this would equate to reducing the carbon output of vacuuming by a massive 2700 tons per year. Additionally, this would save on the costs of vacuum bags, landfill and electricity. 

TPLC are proud to be part of the battle against global warming.  The robotic vacuums (named Abbee) are rented out commercially in ‘Hives’ of 10.  The robots provide a huge array of additional benefits already such as cost savings, visibly improved standards of cleanliness and freeing up cleaning teams to concentrate on the often, other neglected tasks, simply because vacuuming can take up so much time.  

On average 12 tons of CO2 is produced per million sq ft. of office space every year just by the electricity used to vacuum. This could be reduced by circa 60% by simply switching from a traditional vacuum to robotic vacuums.  

David Hardwood, Site Deployment Manager for TPLC instigated the electricity usage analysis and commented “We knew that using the robots is cost effective regardless but we were intrigued to establish if there was an additional saving where electricity is concerned to ensure our products are as eco-friendly as possible.  We were pleasantly surprised and pleased to establish officially how much electricity could be saved too.  From an environmental impact point of view this is an incredible bit of news for us and our customers”.

 As TPLC’s rentable system is also bag free this simple changeover could also stop millions of vacuum bags going into landfill.  Their onsite workshop is fully committed and trained to ensure absolute minimal parts go into landfill due to the majority of the Abbee robot being fully recyclable.  

Michael Richardson, Managing Director commented “We are honoured to have several large and high-profile companies on our books.  With the environmental impact of large-scale businesses being a hot topic we are proud our commercial cleaning service will add this impressive bullet point to many environmental policies. We are also personally very proud to be part of lessening the carbon footprint of many with our ever-increasing swarm of ‘Abbees”. 

TPLC provide robot commercial solutions to large organisations such as Vodafone, the BBC, Credit Suisse, Travelodge and many schools.



Data Sources
21’092,000 square meters of office space in London 2015-2016 (89,037,000 England & Wales)

7000 sqft cleaning coverage of 10 robots / 1 tub vacuum, TPLC own data.

UK Grid CO2e / kWh

Working days per year = 253


